I went to Anchorage with my sister and my niece for the Iditarod. Even though I've seen it before, it was new for them. All were excited for the new adventure. The next morning, my niece and I woke up and got ready to go, but my sister was down. She had the stomach flu. We left her. She didn't get to do anything she wanted. It was sad to spend all of that money and be stuck in a hotel room.
Gus snuggled up on Chad's lap |
Back at home, it was the first time I'd left Gus for longer than the workday. My husband worried that Gus would continue to not bond with him. He didn't have to worry...
Gus stuck in the couch. |
I got a text while I was at the Iditarod. It looked like this, "Gus got stuck."
When Gus first came to live with us, he liked to climb down the side of the couch and slink around back to hide. There isn't a lot of space behind my huge couch. In fact, I couldn't believe he fit then. Apparently, he's grown enough that he doesn't fit anymore. Chad watched him for awhile, and when Gus figured out he couldn't go anywhere and his cries got panicky, Chad finally rescued him.
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